Tea Time New Formula
4/12/20241 min read

We’ve done a few reviews on previous versions of Tea Time kratom seltzers in the past, but what we love about these guys is how much they keep evolving!
We recently tasted some of their new and improved seltzers and were very impressed. They brought the sucralose down in the formula and also removed the xanthan gum, which overall led to more crisp taste and noticeably less “fake sweetness” vibe than previous versions.
All the four flavors pictured were great, but the lemon lime and peach mango were easily top 2, followed by orange and then the strawberry. To be fair, we aren’t huge strawberry flavor fans so that’s OUR personal take!
Again, Tea Time actually takes feedback from customers and is constantly evolving & trying to make their product better, so great seeing new, improved recipes coming out 🤙🏼 Find them at https://teatimedrinks.com/