Royal Fiji Kava A-Grade Review
10/20/20231 min read

We have a quick review for you on a kava we had picked up on Amazon a bit back to try out. This comes from Royal Fiji Kava, who have a couple of offerings on Amazon. Today we are checking out their A-Grade Fijian waka.
This retails for under $50 for a Lb which is a good value, and the company says the kava is a 60:40 ratio of Waka to Lawena (Waka is the stronger of the root).
This kava was finely ground and almost looked micronized at first. We ran it through the Aluball and also a strainer bag and both ways it made very easily and strained like a charm.
Taste was slight pepper with a mellow, mild overall flavor that went down easy. Effects were felt after about two shells and kinda left a “Stoney” feeling in the mind and had good body numbing. Effects were a bit short though and to keep the ride going needed another shell shortly after the first two faded.
Overall, a strong offering you can pick up for a decent price and would be best suited for late afternoon drinking! Find it at