Ohana Kva World on Fire Cider
12/7/20231 min read

We have this amazing World on Fire cider from Ohana Kava and the band Stick Figure for this holiday season.
This is a fantastic cider made with 100% organic, natural, and pure ingredients such as raw apple cider vinegar, raw honey and turmeric root, just to name a few. This helps with digestion, helps support a strong immune system to fight off colds, and curbs cravings, just to name a few of the many benefits.
This is perfect for after those heavy meals, when the kids come home with germs from school, to curb that sweet tooth around the holidays, and give you a boost of energy!
We personally think this tastes great although definitely has a kick! We take it as a straight spoonful, or mix it in a shot of water, or with warm water for a tasty cider to sip on. Our kids like it also and it has been a great fight free way to help them stay healthy this cold and flu season!
Visit Ohana Kava site to pick up a bottle for yourself!! Find them at https://www.ohanakava.com/