Nakamal at Home Stone Review

6/14/20231 min read

This is “Stone” kava from Nakamal at Home which is a brand that carries some preeetty potent strains..
Stone kava can be found on their website which also supplies recent lab tests and chemo type information on each strain. This kava mixes very easily and the taste is actually pretty smooth and goes down easy. You can find it here at
As far as effects, this stuff is very potent. I think maybe they call it Stone because you definitely almost get a stoned feeling depending how much you drink 🤣 A couple of shells of this will have you feeling good and a couple of more shells will have you floored. Proceed with care on this kava because it is very strong. Excellent kava to fully appreciate just how good this plant can make you feel.
Only downside is since this is such a potent kava, depending on how much you drink, you may feel slight drowsiness the next morning. Absolutely nothing like a hangover, just a note of drowsiness that goes away pretty quickly. 10/10 go pick this kava up and experience this ride 🤙🏼