Koa Kava Review

6/13/20231 min read

Koa Kava came through with their certified noble kava straight out of Vava’u, Tonga! They describe their medium grind available both on their website and Amazon as strong & heady, with an emphasis on using this strain for a good time. Putting it to the test, at first we were a little apprehensive as typically we stay away from the “heady” kavas, as our listeners know we prefer the “heavy” blends.

Upon the first few shells, the taste was very mild and pleasant, and was fairly smooth after we strained it. Had a light color, and we found it gave us an uplifting, euphoric buzz after a couple shells. This was perfect as the first afternoon we drank it, our kids were with us and we were doing some puzzles and hanging out. Continuing through a few days, this kava was overall very pleasant and we found that if we drank it earlier in the afternoon our sleep was not affected.

Definitely a go to kava for day time drinking or early afternoon, this stuff will give you that beautiful mind easing experience kava is known for without putting you on the couch. Well worth picking up to start your afternoon kava sessions with, and then potentially switch to something heavier for the late evening.

You can find them at https://koakava.com/ and hear our review on Ep #9 at https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/VcGOoFryBAb
