Kava Depot Review

6/14/20231 min read

This Kava Depot kava is their Vanuatu Ceremonial grade strain. You can pick this up on Amazon or their online store, where they have the chemo type (what kavalactones make up the kava & give it it’s effects) listed for reference.
This is a super fine grind the easily mixes in the Aluball or straining bag, and has a very mellow taste when prepared. Overall effects lean heavy, and this kava gave us much more of a body relaxation with minimal euphoric or heady qualities. Perfect for more of a post workout or evening blend where you want the body to relax and wind down. When we drank a heavy amount (4-5 shells), our minds definitely became a little more calm and collected but effects still translated mostly to the body. This didn’t make us too sleepy either, so we could see this being used during the day for when you want to still function but need the tension in your muscles & body to be tamed!

You can find them at https://kavadepot.com/