Herba Releaf Kava Review

12/12/20241 min read

You may be familiar with Herba Releaf for their kratom products, including their flagship extract spray, but they also offer kava products as well!!
We recently went through a sample pack of their traditional grind, instant, and extract and feel like it’s a nice compliment to their offerings.
The instant was smooth, and easy to mix. Effects were subtle and needed to be dosed a little higher than the recommended serving to feel effects, but we’ve also found this to be the case with most instants (needing to usually double serving size).
The traditional offering seemed to be a balanced experience, but to be fair we just had a sample size and typically we mix up more than the amount we had - we think had we consumed more the effects might have leaned one way or the other, but with what we made up, it was a pretty even effect of relaxation and balance.
The polygold extract was our favorite, and it shines by itself or in addition to some traditional kava as an extra boost (our fav way to use it!). Polygold extract has a unique taste to it that’s very recognizable but can also be more easily masked by beverages, making it a perfect tool for a specialty drink with a kava kick 🔥

Find them here at https://herbapumps.com/