G1 Nutrition "Kannect" Kanna Review
8/21/20231 min read

Have you heard of Kanna (Sceletium Tortuosum)? We’ve been using G1 Nutrition “Kannect” Kanna extract the past week and wanted to bring you all a review 💥
Kannect provides 100mg of their specialized 3% alkaloid nano infusion extract per capsule. Serving is one capsule per day and from our experience all that you really need. Compared to the other popular Kanna extract, Zembrin, we found this to be much more potent and noticeable with acute effects.
We tried this pre workout, first thing in the morning before a workday, and in the afternoon before a leisure walk. Pre workout, this gave almost too much of a mood boost/displaced concentration that really had to be harnessed to keep us focused on the workout.
Where this really shined was taken prior to a long walk or during the day for work/recreational activity. It puts you in a nice, calm mood with a noticeable positive concentration. Since this does increase serotonin, it results in the happy feeling and improved mood one would expect from the like.
As far as side effects, keep in mind serotonin is produced in the gut, and substances that increase serotonin can cause GI mobility. Charles had more stomach issues with this than Heidi, and found it had to be taken with a fairly large meal later in the day to mitigate those side effects.
Overall, this extract impressed us by its potency and very noticeable effects. We will probably pass on this pre workout (as you will see it being used in more pre workout formulas now) and use it for recreationally for days we want a little mood boost and positive energy for less physically demanding activities.
Check them out at https://www.g1nutrition.com/