Fighting NYC health dept w/Tobly (round 2)

10/15/20241 min read

Tobly McSmith has been fighting against the NYC health department who’s been shutting down kava bars in NYC for absolutely no reason. Please please please share this episode and help get the word out on this. We had Tobly on back in December and since then, despite multiple wins in court, the city is still making it impossible for them and other kava bars to operate.
This is not just a fight for NYC kava bars, but for the country as a whole. This can set a dangerous precedent for other cities and states to follow and the fight is NOW to bring this to a stop.
Share, donate & get involved! Kava community is about bringing people together and it would be an absolute shame for Here and Now, along with other bars, to fall victim to baseless claims leading to closure. Let’s go!!!

Listen to the episode here at