Dallas Vasquez, CEO & Co-Founder Mitra9 Brands
1/31/20241 min read

We have Dallas Vasquez, Co-Founder & CEO of Mitra9 Brands today to hear his thoughts on the industry and where Mitra9 is headed.
Mitra9 is a household name now in the canned kava & botanical beverage space and is growing at an incredible rate. We have several reviews up on their products in the past and will always recommend these beverages especially to newcomers in the space looking for great tasting options.
Dallas gives some great insight into the industry and some controversial topics within the community, and was an absolute pleasure to have on the show! Find them at https://mitra-9.com/ and listen to the episode at https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/J8wWDdDBOGb