Coral Sea Kelai Medium Grind Review
1/31/20241 min read

Today we are bringing you a review of Coral Sea medium grind Kelai kava powder!
The Kelai cultivar hails from Vanuatu and is known for its heady, euphoric properties. This is a little in contrast to typically the much heavier cultivars that come from Vanuatu but nonetheless it’s a very special cultivar that’s becoming one of our favorites.
Coral Sea Kava is known for their outstanding instant kava offerings, but have branched out to traditional grind offerings and this is one! The powder itself is VERY course so we highly recommend using a strainer bag with some warm water instead of an Aluball. The taste was very mild and the effects hit pretty quickly, within 10 minutes we were feeling it.
Effects were what’s to be expected from a good Kelai grind - uplifting, positive vibes and little sedation. We liked using this in the afternoon as a nice kava that gave us relaxation and positive mood shift without the heaviness that makes us too chilled out. Perfect for when you’re socializing or still trying to get a few things done.
Superb quality from Coral Sea as expected, and excited to see they now have traditional grinds out there to round out their selection offerings! Check them out at