Botanical Brewing Company Review

6/14/20232 min read

Today we are bringing a review on Botanical Brewing Company products! This company was started by the Rusher sisters in 2020 as a response to bringing a stress relieving beverage amid the pandemic. They offer kava, kr8tom, CBD, and D8/D9 CBD beverages in cans with a variety of flavors. Off the bat, we want to say we HIGHLY appreciate how all these did not contain sucralose/erythritol, and used natural flavoring methods. Granted, you will get a higher calorie drink and some sugar, so keep that in mind.
The CBD Citrus Twist tasted awesome and contained 25mg of CBD isolate. This does not produce psychoactive effects but instead is good for inflammation, overall wellbeing, and anxiety relief.
The D8/D9 came in at 20mg and 10mg per serving, and the D9 Lemon Poundcake was the best tasting beverage. The D8 Gummy Bear was a little too fruity for us but not overly sweet. We appreciated the nice, mellow effects from both and think they were adequately dosed, and could even be split into two servings for an even calmer experience. Additionally, since these are liquid, they seemed to produce effects faster than a traditional gummy/edible would give.
The Orange Dream Kava was another hit flavor, but if you are a traditional kava drinker, don’t expect to get krunk off this. While it does offer a typical dose of ~300mg kava extract, the effects are very mild. We would recommend pairing this with some traditional grog as a compliment, or a way to introduce friends to kava who have never used plant.
Our last bit of advice would be to make the website/social media a little more transparent with the amount of active ingredients you are getting in the cans. There is no information anywhere on the website giving full lists of ingredients/dosages. Overall though, we really think this brand has set themselves apart from other canned beverages with their absolute complete line of botanicals (there’s something for everyone), and the fact everything is free of artificial sweeteners. Check them out! Passed our test 😎

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