Botanical Brewing Co Candy Man Kava Seltzer
10/15/20241 min read

Time for a fresh review for the week 🫨🫨 We tried a brand new product that just dropped from Botanical Brewing Co and is a heavy hitter for the kava beverage category!
The “Candy Man” seltzer is a kava canned beverage that is touted as 2x strength, with a hefty dose of 1200mg kava extract per can. This is a dose that’s higher than your typical canned kava beverage and undoubtedly you will feel the effects.
We always appreciate that Botanical Brewing uses only natural flavors, and this one specifically was sweetened with agave & monk fruit, with black cherry and strawberry concentrate. Containing 17 grams of total carbohydrates, this may be a turn off for those looking for sugar free/0 calorie beverages (but in our opinion, better for the body than the artificial stuff 🤓).
Not going to lie, the flavor for this one was a bit of a miss for us. It reminded us of cough syrup that our parents had to force down our throats as kids 😂 BUT, those of you who like cherry/berry flavors would probably be all about it, so take our opinion with a big ole grain of salt!
Effects were on point though and were on par with the dosage in the can. Nice pleasant relaxation and mood shift. The branding/art is pretty cool too. Taste just wasn’t up our alley, and something we had to point out to remain honest 🤙🏼
Find it here at